Danger Ranger
- material: color print from negative film
- dimensions: H 40cm/W 30cm
The photo series "Danger Ranger" was shot in Conil, Spain. During a study tour I found that highly racist advertising figure by accident in a pack of sweets. Also Conil is referred to as one of the "White Villages"(meaning the color of the houses...) and was thought of having an immigration problem at that time. Danger Ranger was equipped with attributes wich appear African and exotic to western prejudice eyes and painted white to adapt. Then we went on a photo safari to town.
- exhibition venue: "Conil" Spain/HAW Hamburg/"Die die Die Die verdammte gesamte Scheisse-Künstlerbücher" white trash contemporary Hamburg
- curators: Dieter Glasmacher/Walter Kerkhofs(HAW)/Niels Grossien(WTC)
- participating artists: Gesa Lange/Kitty von Korf/Daniel van Eendenburg et al.(HAW) Allen Ginsberg/Alexander Hoepfner/Andrea Tippel/Andrea Winkler/Banksy/Baldur Burwitz/Carlo Mollino/Daniel Richter/Dennis Scholl/Dieter Roth/Dirk Meinzer/Fernando de Brito/Francesco Clemente/Franz Erhard Walther/Gelatin/Heribert C.Ottersbach/Jörg Immendorff/Kyung-hwa Choi-ahoi/Mark Wehrmann/Michael Lingner/Nikos Valsamakis/Nir Alon/Pedro Cabrita Rei/Rirkrit Tiravanija/Stefan Panhans et al.(WTC)